The world’s first fully integrated vehicle mounted drone hangar, the easy four way parking system for “tailless parking”, and the “palm key” that evolved from a digital key to a “biological key” .

These technologies, each of which can be used for a special press conference, were squeezed into a press conference by BYD.

And this press conference, full of cutting-edge technology and “black technology,” was unexpectedly named “BYD Dream Day.”.

This is BYD’s “black humor”.

01. “Dream Day” to “Technology Day”

However, turning “Dream Day” into “Technology Day”, the audience below was delighted to see it happen. After all, for BYD, a car company with a strong engineering culture, it is far more direct to talk about virtual dreams than to talk about real technology.

In fact, BYD did pay tribute to the theme of Dream Day – paying tribute to engineers – at the press conference. From Bi Sheng to Edison, from Karl Benz to Tesla, BYD pays tribute to the engineers who have made significant contributions to human civilization in human history, as well as many colleagues who have driven the advancement of the automotive industry.

For BYD, who has a background in engineering culture, this tribute not only stems from their true selves and loyalty, but also reflects the pattern – after winning the top spot in the domestic car market, BYD’s vision is to truly benefit the automotive industry and promote the development of Chinese cars.

And this is none other than technology.

It is not difficult to understand that BYD, with 11 research institutes and over 90000 R&D personnel, is the world’s largest automotive company in terms of R&D personnel. Last year, BYD applied for over 6700 patents, with an average of over 27 patents filed per working day.

02. Whole vehicle intelligence is true intelligence

It is precisely this strong research and development strength that enabled BYD to successfully achieve electrification in the first half of the new energy transformation, and then to propose the concept of “vehicle intelligence is true intelligence” in the second half, with intelligence as the main direction.

That’s right, almost all car brands are talking about intelligence right now. However, in BYD’s view, neither the intelligent cockpit nor the intelligent driving technology alone is truly intelligent.

BYD believes that true intelligence starts from the level of vehicle architecture, and different systems of vehicles should communicate and cooperate with each other through intelligence without barriers. Instead of simply emphasizing a certain part of intelligence.
So, on this “Dream Day”, BYD launched a truly heavyweight – the industry’s first intelligent architecture that integrates intelligent and electric technology, the “Xuanji Architecture”.

03. Xuanji Architecture Gives Intelligence Imagination Space

The so-called “Xuanji architecture” is led by a car mounted brain (computing center) for perception, decision-making, and execution; Real time collaboration between vehicle based AI and cloud based AI; The integration of the Internet of Vehicles, 5G network, and satellite network enables communication without blind spots; The sensor chain, control chain, data chain, and mechanical chain are composed of one brain, two ends, three networks, and four chains.

The integration of electrification and intelligence, which aggregates and feeds back the internal and external information of the vehicle to the central processor for high-speed computation within milliseconds, and then issues instructions to various systems of the vehicle, is the overall intelligent logic of the Xuanji intelligent architecture.

Previously, BYD’s technologies such as Yi Sifang, e-platform 3.0, and Yunnian have also become a part of Xuanji’s intelligent architecture and a core component of vehicle intelligence.

At the same time, BYD proposed the concept of dual loop multimodal AI, namely the Xuan Ji AI large model. This large model is built on a vast amount of data and has self-learning ability in the case of massive application samples.

You should know that BYD has a unique advantage in vehicle intelligence: the entire technology system is self-developed, and BYD has the ability to vertically integrate; And the huge terminal sales allow BYD to have enough terminal data to feed into the AI big data model.

As of now, BYD has delivered 6 million vehicles equipped with intelligent cabins and 2.6 million vehicles equipped with L2 level intelligent driving assistance. Moreover, this number continues to grow with BYD’s large market delivery volume.
That is to say, whether it is vertical integration or horizontal data expansion, BYD has a “home court” advantage.

04. Write at the end

It is obvious that compared to simple intelligent configurations such as intelligent cockpit, intelligent human-machine/vehicle interaction system, and intelligent driving assistance, vehicle intelligence is more fundamental and comprehensive, and its scalability and technological imagination space are also greater.

At the same time, the threshold for vehicle intelligence is much higher, which not only involves software, but also hardware manufacturing and hardware matching, requiring big data and corresponding technical support.

In a sense, vehicle intelligence is the most intuitive test of the comprehensive system capabilities of automotive companies in the era of electrification.

Under the “Xuanji architecture” based on vehicle intelligence, many application technologies have come into play. For example, the advanced intelligent driving assistance system of “Eye of the Gods”, the easy four way parking system of “tail flick parking”, and the evolution from a digital key to a “palm key” of “biological key”, etc.

And we will share with you the “black technology” of these terminal applications in the following.

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